Health Benefits of Breakfast

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Would it shock you to know that studies across the world have proven regular breakfast eaters are generally healthier than their breakfast-skipping counterparts? In one particular study, breakfast skippers were consistently associated with lower micronutrient intakes, and it established a correlation between skipping breakfast and not meeting the recommended daily intakes for Calcium, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin A and Magnesium [1].


Another study found that chronic stress was related to poorer evening eating choices and more overall empty calories in the diet of those who skipped breakfast, whereas the dietary intake of counterparts who consumed breakfast did not appear to be negatively affected by chronic stress [2]. Breakfast helps give you the energy, strength and endurance to take on the day – especially if you’ve got a full day of physical activity ahead of you. 


A healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be time-consuming or require much preparation. If you’re raising alarm bells in your head – don’t worry! If you’re running short on time or looking for an additional health kick to your morning meal, you can always reach for a Carnations Essentials Breakfast (27g) Max Protein. A single serving is packed with 27g of protein, 26 essential vitamins and minerals, 40% of your Daily Value of Calcium and 25% of your Daily Value of Vitamin D!


[1] Leach et al, Understanding Meal Patterns: Definitions, Methodology and Impact on Nutrient Intake and Diet Quality. Nutr Res Rev 2015

[2] Widaman et al, Chronic Stress is Associated with Indicators of Diet Quality in Habitual Breakfast Skippers. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2014.