Wednesday, March 25, 2020

We are in unchartered territory and as COVID-19 rapidly evolves, we all continue to act swiftly to slow down its pace in Canada. At Nestlé, we are working hard to navigate these uncertain times, and as a food and beverage company, our work has never been more important than it is right now as we play a critical role in delivering the products that Canadians depend on.


At Nestlé Canada, the health and safety of our employees, our consumers and our partners has always been our highest priority and never more so than during this challenging time.


As individuals and as a company we have adjusted our routines and ways of operating:

  • We have a flexible Work from Home policy and over the last few weeks, our office employees have moved to home-based work

  • We have temporarily closed our KIT KAT CHOCOLATORY and Nespresso boutiques, while continuing online coffee and Nespresso products sales

  • In addition to our normal strict standards, we have taken significant measures to enhance the safety & hygiene across all our operations - including our factories, offices and distribution centres - to help protect our employees and have applied social distancing across all our facilities, production lines and distribution centres

  • We are working  with  our  supply  chain,  distribution  and  retail  partners  to  implement  appropriate infection control measures and meet demand for our products.  Requesting that any employees who may be experiencing symptoms inform their line manager and self-quarantine for a 14-day period. ·Putting in place additional safety measures in our factories, offices and distribution centers. ·Working with our supply chain, distribution and retail partners to implement appropriate infection control measures and meet demand for our products. Requesting that any employees who may be experiencing symptoms inform their line manager and self-quarantine for a 14-day period. ·Putting in place additional safety measures in our factories, offices and distribution centers. ·Working with our supply chain, distribution and retail partners to implement appropriate infection control measures and meet demand for our products.

  • The health and safety of our employees is our top priority and any employee who is feeling unwell is directed to stay home

  • We are not allowing any visitors at our factories 



In challenging times such as these, we understand that our communities need our help more than ever. At Nestlé Canada, we are proud to be supporting our charitable partners, Food Banks Canada and Kids Help Phone with product and/or monetary donations:


Food banks are on the front lines doing critical work ensuring that the most vulnerable Canadians receive access to food. They are facing funding shortages and a loss of volunteers that they desperately rely on due to social distancing guidelines.

Nestlé Canada has been a long-standing partner of Kids Help Phone, Canada’s only 24/7, national support service for young people. Over the past few weeks, Kids Help Phone has seen a tremendous increase in volume from children and teenagers who are experiencing anxiety with this uncertain world.


We ask you to join us in helping our community and consider making a donation to Food Banks Canada and Kids Help Phone.



We want to thank and acknowledge all of our dedicated employees who are the heart of our organization, and work tirelessly to ensure that our products continue to be available to Canadians. Our teams have come together with speed and agility to ensure measures are in place to enhance the safety and wellness in all our operations and manufacturing practices, and we could not be more proud.

Despite the uncertainty that rests in our near future, please know that we remain dedicated to making the food and beverages that Canadians need and are working closely with our retail partners to ensure that products are available on store shelves.  


Nestlé’s mission has not changed: we remain dedicated to enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future, for individuals and families, for our thriving and resilient communities, and for our planet. In these times of need, we will prioritize supporting and caring for those who need it most.



We will update this page as the situation develops.